For all things anime and manga, drop by the Momo Anime Market! Momiji may be a home for seniors, but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep up with the trends! Vendors will be setting up their booths in the beautiful Momiji building selling all manner of fandom goodies. Workshops will be held throughout the day about Japanese arts and crafts, and yummy Japanese snacks will be available to purchase for refueling!
COME & SHOP! Buy your ticket for Saturday or Sunday, or buy a weekend pass and come both days! Meet new friends and scour the vendor booths for merch of your favourite characters! Cosplaying is encouraged! ଘ(✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)
APPLY AS A VENDOR! The Momo Anime Market accepts vendors selling fandom goods, especially related to anime and manga. Prints, pins, stickers, apparel, figurines, toys, and more! If you are interested in being a vendor at this event, please email!
VOLUNTEER! Like any event at Momiji, the Momo Anime Market welcomes the support of volunteers! Roles include parking attendant, photographer, greeter, counter, and vendor liaison! If you are interested in volunteering at this event, please email