Celebrate Momiji’s September birthdays with musical guests Chami Tanaka & Len Dale! $2 fee covers entry and refreshments!
Pre-order a delicious bento made by Toriichi Catering and pick up your food in the lobby of Momiji between 3pm & 5pm on the Wednesday listed above! Orders must be in by the previous Thursday. $15 for community, and $13 for Momiji tenants.
“Tsunagu” means “to connect”. The film explores the family stories, traditions and values that Japanese Canadians pass along to their children and grandchildren. Everyone is welcome to join this film screening, complete with a Q & A with Director and Producer, Lucy Komori, after the screening. Admission $2, and includes light refreshments.
詳細やお申し込みは、もみじのボランティアコーディネーター(電話:416-261-6683 内線224、メール:momijivolunteering@momiji.on.ca)までご連絡ください。
Interested in volunteering with Momiji but not sure where to start? At the end of every month in 2024, we will be holding an online information session about volunteering with Momiji!
For more information or to register please contact Momiji’s Volunteer Coordinator, by phone at 416-261-6683 extension 224 or by email at momijivolunteering@momiji.on.ca.
Paying tribute to the seniors in our lives who’ve helped make our country, community, and family what it is today! Festive lunch, special performances, and lots more!
The price for admission only is $5, or admission & lunch is $20.
There are two lunch options:
Soup is included with both lunch options. Order lunch by Wednesday, September 18th with SALC staff by calling 416-261-6683, ext. 248 or 243.
Organized by eventsMarion and held at Momiji, join us for “Tomorrow’s Stars: Today”, a violin, flute, and piano concert, starring violinist Sora Sato-Mound and flautist Karen Kobayashi. There will also be a small vendor market, refreshments, and door prizes.
Ticket prices: